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 December 18, 2009 in 

“Her character is irrelevant,” Androphy said. “The fact that he met with her, the fact that he’s a judge in the court, she was a defendant on trial and they were planning to go out and potentially engage in a sexual affair makes him guilty. Period.”

That’s Houston criminal-defense lawyer, and ABC affiliate KTRK-13’s legal commentator, Joel Androphy, on Judge Donald Jackson’s prosecution.

Joel was my white-collar crime professor 15 years ago in law school. The first real criminal trial I ever watched was one that he tried (against Jay Hileman in Judge Mary Bacon’s court; it was a murder with a .410 shotgun; the defendant got 15 years, if I remember that part correctly). He’s a really smart lawyer.

It’s not hard to figure out what the State has to prove in Judge Jackson’s case. The State has to prove what it alleged in the indictment. The State has alleged, and must prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Judge Jackson

  1. subjected Ariana Venegas to unwelcome sexual advances, an unwelcome request for sexual favors, or unwelcome verbal conduct of a sexual nature,
  2. knowing that these advances, this request, or this conduct were unwelcome, and
  3. made submission to these advances, this request, or this conduct a condition of her enjoyment of her right to a fair trial or favorable disposition of her case
  4. by offering to get her a different lawyer to get her case dismissed if she would be interested in the defendant and enter into a relationship with him that was more than a one night stand.

The gulf between this and Joel Androphy’s statement of the case is vast. It’s like he’s making a closing argument for the government—a closing argument that is entirely wrong on the law and objectionable.

How does such a smart lawyer get things so very publicly wrong?

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  1. Bob Larr December 18, 2009 at 9:40 pm - Reply

    Because ratings seem to be driving these attorneys who are retained by the television stations.

  2. Casey OBrien December 19, 2009 at 8:10 am - Reply

    True-Joel got that wrong. But also true that when a judge pursues a defendant in his court, that escalator only goes down.

  3. Kiatta December 19, 2009 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Just curious. I didn’t see any of the trial but how do you know the advances are unwelcome until you ask?

    • Mark Bennett December 19, 2009 at 2:20 pm - Reply

      Seems like a really tough element to prove. But what the hell do I know—they convicted him.

  4. Wayne C. Conley December 20, 2009 at 9:17 pm - Reply

    No Problem Retard. You realize how many of your readers know that you now have more blogs than you can maintain just to boost this sorry ass blog? You are an asshat lawyer hack. Shut down this fraudulent blog. Go fuck yourself asshole.

    • Mark Bennett December 21, 2009 at 10:53 pm - Reply

      Once more, Wayne, you accidentally attached the wrong name and URL to your comment. I’ve fixed it again. Happy to help.

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