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 April 21, 2010 in 

One of the highlights of the year, in my itinerant childhood overseas, was the end of summer, when the new kids arrived—in high school at AES in New Delhi, maybe 20% of the 150 students were new each year. It was an exciting time, full of possibility for new friends, and it never disappointed.

I got good at making new friends fast.

I feel a little of the same excitement when a new blog pops up in my little criminal-law neighborhood of the practical blawgosphere. The most recent two are D.C. criminal-defense lawyer Mirriam Seddiq’s Not Guilty and Orange County criminal-defense lawyer Brian Gurwitz’s In Your Defense.

Mirriam has actually been blogging since 2004 (I started blogging back about then too, and kept at it for maybe three or four posts), was quiet from 2007 to 2009, and is back with a vengeance now. Read Why is that Panda eating a Lion? And Chicks and their moral dilemmas – what? And F Criminal Defense Attorney ISO Same for Friendship and More. Hell, read it all. Mirriam’s a sharp criminal-defense philosopher and an excellent writer.

Brian started blogging late last year, but is only getting rolling now. In Your Defense is a Justia blog, but it doesn’t suck. Brian has a wickedly warped sense of humor (see Texas Justice: Swift and Salacious) and no reluctance to use his blog to talk about non-criminal-justice topics dear to him (see Justice for Hudson, the Chocolate Lab, but don’t click the first link if you’re a dog lover, unless you want to cry.)

Welcome to the neighborhood, Mirriam and Brian.

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  1. The Trial Warrior April 22, 2010 at 7:39 am - Reply

    Welcome to the Grand Illusion.

  2. Brian Gurwitz April 22, 2010 at 12:27 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the welcome! You’ve given me an idea for a new marketing slogan:

    “Former prosecutor. And he doesn’t suck.”

  3. […] Brian Tannebaum and Mark Bennett have both written about her within the last week or so.  Tannebaum’s entry is called “A Chick Criminal Defense Blogger.”  Bennett’s piece featured her as one of two new blogs in “The New Kids on the Blawk“. […]

  4. Townsend Myers April 27, 2010 at 10:08 pm - Reply

    Hi Mark. I have enjoyed following your blog from time to time. I’m in practice in New Orleans, and I share many of your ideas and philosophies about criminal defense. I am not much of a internet personality at this point, but I have really enjoyed trying to connect with people in a meaningful way through my website and blog. I’m still struggling to give my “brick-and-mortar” reputation some online wings. Your practice as represented on the web is inspirational to me. Thanks for that.

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