Posted on

 April 18, 2012 in 

METRO press release 13 April:

random bag checks(Source.)

METRO blog post 16 April:
Law officials performed random bag checks


METRO twitter account 18 April:

Screen Shot 2012 04 18 at 3 36 02 PM


I’m guessing someone talked to a lawyer and realized that random bag checks aren’t such a hot idea, Constitutionally speaking. So we agree on that. Now, METRO, let’s get together and send TSA packing.

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  1. Murray Newman April 19, 2012 at 8:43 am - Reply

    Be careful. Franklin said that they blocked him on Twitter. Nothing like your government taking the position that they are no longer required to even marginally listen to your input. Thank goodness for hashtags.

  2. Bill Poser April 21, 2012 at 12:56 pm - Reply

    Why is the TSA checking buses? Do they think that terrorists might hijack a bus and fly it into a building?

    • Mark Bennett April 21, 2012 at 2:31 pm - Reply

      You are not allowed to ask such questions because TERRORISM.

  3. John Gormley April 22, 2012 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Just a question. If a governmental agency was to block you on twitter, would they be violating your right to free speech? Just something that popped into my head.

  4. discarted April 23, 2012 at 2:33 pm - Reply

    I think by “consent”, Houston METRO means coercion and arrest if you don’t “consent” to a violation of your 4th Amendment rights.

  5. Lisa Simeone April 23, 2012 at 3:01 pm - Reply

    But but but . . . Anything For Safety!

    Oh, well. Take my civil liberties. I wasn’t using them anyway.

  6. Lisa Simpson April 27, 2012 at 9:29 am - Reply

    So some armed goon in a police uniform says “I want to search your bag”. If you don’t agree then you must obviously have something hide which means (in their minds) they now have probable cause to search.

    Just what I wanted for my birthday – some mouth breather who only has to have 2.0 GPA (straight off the Houston, TX PD website) for an incomplete degree (only 48 credit hours are required and most undergrad degrees are 120+) deciding they need to search me.

    And the “training” was conducted by another bunch of mouth breathers who’s “key qualifications” (according to the job posting) is that they not be criminals, not be delinquent on more than $7500 of debt, not be delinquent on their taxes, not be behind in child support payments, and they registered for the draft when they were supposed to. At least the Houston PD requires SOME college…..

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