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 March 17, 2023 in 


Money laundering is a significant issue that plagues economies worldwide. As a top Houston criminal-defense lawyer, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of this intricate crime and how it impacts clients. This blog post aims to provide an overview of money laundering, its stages, and the legal consequences one might face if charged with this offense in Texas.

What is Money Laundering?

Generally, money laundering is the process of concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds, typically by passing them through a complex sequence of financial transactions. This process is designed to make the money appear legitimate, so it can be used without arousing suspicion. Money laundering often involves proceeds from crimes such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, fraud, or tax evasion.The Stages of Money Laundering:Money laundering typically involves three stages:

  1. Placement: This is the initial stage where the “dirty money” is introduced into the financial system. Criminals may deposit large sums of cash into a bank account or purchase high-value assets like real estate, vehicles, or jewelry.
  2. Layering: During this stage, the money goes through a series of transactions designed to obfuscate its origins. These transactions might include wire transfers, shell companies, or offshore accounts.
  3. Integration: The final stage is when the “clean” money is reintroduced into the economy. At this point, the funds appear legitimate and can be used for personal or business purposes without drawing attention.

Legal Consequences of Money Laundering in Texas:

In Texas, money laundering is a serious offense, and the penalties depend on the amount of money involved in the laundering process. According to Texas Penal Code section 34.02, the offense can range from a state jail felony to a first-degree felony, depending on the value of the funds.

  • State jail felony: Laundered funds valued between $2,500 and $30,000
  • Third-degree felony: Laundered funds valued between $30,000 and $150,000
  • Second-degree felony: Laundered funds valued between $150,000 and $300,000
  • First-degree felony: Laundered funds valued over $300,000

Elements of Money Laundering in Texas:

Section 34.02 provides that a person commits an offense if the person knowingly does one of four things:

  1. acquires or maintains an interest in, conceals, possesses, transfers, or transports the proceeds of criminal activity;
  2. conducts, supervises, or facilitates a transaction involving the proceeds of criminal activity;
  3. invests, expends, or receives, or offers to invest, expend, or receive, the proceeds of criminal activity or funds that the person believes are the proceeds of criminal activity; or
  4. finances or invests or intends to finance or invest funds that the person believes are intended to further the commission of criminal activity.

So money laundering in Texas can involve not only the proceeds of criminal activity, but also funds intended to further the commission of criminal activity.


Money laundering is a complex and multifaceted crime with severe consequences in Texas. As a top Houston criminal-defense lawyer, understanding the intricacies of money laundering is essential for providing the best possible defense for clients facing these charges. If you or a loved one is facing money laundering charges, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced criminal-defense lawyer to navigate the complexities of the case and protect your rights.

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