Posted on
July 18, 2013 in
The verdict in a criminal trial is a dismal medium for sending a message. Seldom does anyone outside the criminal courtroom care what has happened inside. Even if people are paying attention, criminal jury instructions don't ask "what message would you like to send?" but only whether the government has proven its case. A verdict that is issued to send a message is not based on the
Posted on
June 26, 2013 in
I have advocated (Lizards Don't Laugh) getting jurors laughing to get them out of their lizard brains and make them less likely to convict. Conventional courtroom wisdom is that a laughing jury does not convict. But humor in the criminal trial has to come with some rules. Herewith, ten commandments for humor in the courtroom. I Thou shalt probably not. This is a maneuver to be attempted
Posted on
June 12, 2013 in
Thomas Friedman is a boob. I worry about [another 9/11] even more, not because I don’t care about civil liberties, but because what I cherish most about America is our open society, and I believe that if there is one more 9/11 — or worse, an attack involving nuclear material — it could lead to the end of the open society as we know it. If there
Posted on
June 7, 2013 in
From A Bexar County assistant district attorney has been fired following an incident in which she was mentioned in a friend's driving while intoxicated arrest report for advising him not to submit to a breath test. She's also accused of badging the arresting officer. And "P then told (him) to take a personal recognizance bond that she had in the wallet that contained her identification and
Posted on
May 29, 2013 in
Chris Green, chosen to be a juror in a non-death capital murder case in the 338th District Court of Harris County, Texas, googled "capital murder" before opening statements began, and didn't like what he found. He decided that there was a "very real danger of retribution" if the jury convicted Amezquita of capital murder and he got the automatic life sentence that is mandatory when the State
Posted on
May 27, 2013 in
Here's baby lawyer Andrew DeLuca's pitch: It is these people that have grown tired of your esoteric legal posts, that we as attorneys represent. How do you represent someone effectively when you can not connect with them? The type of perspective that is only learned by life experience or lifetimes of experience and allows us to connect with our clients fears, their hopes and their outlook on
Posted on
May 25, 2013 in
(tl;dr version: Texas prosecutors think that only they know justice; they want to take power out of the hands of the community; they intend to pass an unconstitutional law and apply it unconstitutionally ex post facto to do so; and they don't care what lies must be told to get it done.) Texas's capital-murder sentencing scheme provides for a choice between death and life without parole for all
Posted on
May 23, 2013 in
Alan Dershowitz says that Lois Lerner can be held in contempt for taking the Fifth in response to questions asked by Congress after making prefatory comments about the same subject matter: "You can't simply make statements about a subject and then plead the Fifth in response to questions about the very same subject," the renowned Harvard Law professor said. "Once you open the door to an area
Posted on
May 14, 2013 in
A recent Gallup poll names the Houston, Sugar Land, and Baytown region among the least safe U.S. metro areas, according to resident confidence in the safety of where they live. Only 63 percent of those polled in the Houston area responded that they felt safe walking alone at night in the area they reside. * * * * * Compare that to the 80 percent in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area